Construction Administration
Clements & Associates realizes the importance of establishing and maintaining high standards of quality early during construction and that this is insured by a continual involvement and constant communication with the Contractor’s project personnel, both on-site and in the office. It is our goal during this phase to develop a professional relationship with the members of the construction team to provide a project that is built properly and is in conformance with the project goals.
The members and project managers of Clements & Associates have many years of experience in construction observation and offer a collective familiarity with virtually all methods of construction and the most commonly accepted building materials. Clements & Associates project managers conduct regular site visits, both scheduled and unscheduled, along with conducting meetings with the Contractor’s personnel and subcontractors to insure that proper coordination is taking place on-site and that details and specifications are understood.
As the project nears completion, Clements & Associates will conduct inspections with the Owner and General Contractor and develop a “Punch List” to determine if the project is substantially complete enough that the Owner can begin to take possession of the project. Clements & Associates will then conduct a final inspection to insure that all of these items have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Owner. Clements & Associates will then review all warranty documents required by the contractor and will also conduct an additional inspection as the project nears its completion anniversary to see if any issues, under the Contractor’s warranty need to be addressed and have these items re-inspected if necessary.
Turning over the keys of a newly completed project to an owner is an exciting event. It is the culmination of a lot of hard work and Clements & Associates strives to make the final transition into a project as seamless as possible for all parties.